New Pamphlet Alert!

The Marfan Trust Guide to Heart Surgery
28 Mar 2024

Insurance Advice Webinar

from The Aortic Dissection Charitable Trust
28 Mar 2024

Lucy's Blog - Part 10

Unexpected Finding
26 Mar 2024

James' Story

Fundraising in memory of a friend
25 Mar 2024

Friday Fact: Mitral Valve Regurgitation

What is it?
22 Mar 2024

Sarah's Story

A momentous Marfan Monday!
18 Mar 2024

Dr Child's Casebook: Incidental Finding

17 Mar 2024
Members only

Friday Factoid: Aortic Dissection

Signs and Symptoms
15 Mar 2024

Myles' Story

A Leap of Faith for a Lost Friend
11 Mar 2024

Amiyah's Story

11 Mar 2024

Friday Factoid: Dural Ectasia

What is it?
8 Mar 2024

International Women's Day 2024

Celebrating Dr Anne Child
8 Mar 2024

World Book Day!

We invite you into the world of Jeremy Wins!
7 Mar 2024

Sleep Workshop

Friday 8 March - 10 - 12 GMT
7 Mar 2024

Lucy's Blog - Part 9

Whether slow or fast, progress is progress
6 Mar 2024

Oliver's Story

Recently diagnosed and spreading the word!
4 Mar 2024

The Future for Marfan Syndrome

Marfan Awareness Month - Final Chapter
1 Mar 2024

Friday Factoid: Pneumothorax

Sometimes it's the first clue ...
1 Mar 2024
Marfan Trust, a CIO registered as a charity in England in Wales with charity number 1198847 at: c/o 24 Oakfield Lane, Keston, Kent, BR2 6BY. Contact us at [email protected] or by phone on + 44 (0)333 011 5256
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