Hello All,

In these times of uncertainty with the unfolding COVID-19 pandemic we are all having to adjust to what were unimaginable changes to everyone’s lifestyles. Consequently, Dr Anne Child, Dr José Aragon-Martin together with Moira Taylor and our brand new staff members Victoria Hilton and Gurpreet Madan have now reorganised our small niche charity to a working from home regime and the Trust is responding to the increasing virus related calls and questions and currently remains available to you.


Do look out for more e-mail updates from us and also check out and like our new FaceBook page which will soon feature some innovative ideas on how to fundraise while staying at home, which I’m told are on way!  NB: Please no longer use our old FaceBook page as we have been locked out of this as a result of our recent office move.


The Trustees will meet virtually in early in April to ensure that the Marfan Trust is functioning safely, is effectively and sustainable during the crisis, to ensure we are ready for when things look up with a return to a normality! Then the charity will again work with you all to fully deliver our Mission and Objectives.


In the meantime The Trust is planning a Spring edition of our newsletter, where: you will be able to read a tribute to our late Chair Michael Carr, learn of the support from the Marfan Association following its merger into the Trust, plus other exciting developments.

Stay home, stay safe and your Trust will stay with you.



Michael Heath
Chair, Marfan Trust Board of Trustees

Marfan Trust, a CIO registered as a charity in England in Wales with charity number 1198847 at: c/o 24 Oakfield Lane, Keston, Kent, BR2 6BY. Contact us at [email protected] or by phone on + 44 (0)333 011 5256
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